Week 4: Proposal
We are supposed to show our Shifter's Project proposal, at this stage the planning is already near 70% done I reckon? It's hard to define but planning definitely plays an important role so it's going to take quite some time.
While writing the proposal, we had to write the project background, purpose, target audience analysis, concept and idea, content planning and a lot of other details. I honestly don't understand what's the project background but I still tried to write it and later seek for improvements after receiving feedback.
The most interesting part I find is doing case studies research, I did them mainly based on the fragrance industry (which isn't enough) and found some similar projects. First is COTY's VR experience: shoppers will visit the counter, first pick up one of seven scent stones, which each represent a unique olfactive territory, before being propelled into an immersive universe which brings the specific olfactive area to life through the scented and texturised stone, 3D visuals and sound.
Next is Atelier Cologne. Their website has an AR feature where users can click on the "Click to Smell" button to see augmented reality flowers around the image of the perfume bottle. This gives the users new experience through visuals, as well as helping them make decisions when making purchase online.
Not forgetting Marc Jacobs' pop up store event in 2014 for their infamous Daisy. This is not related to AR, but rather social media marketing which I intended to use for this project as well. MJ had a pop up store where customers can visit and snap pictures, then upload these pictures onto social media platforms with the hashtag #mjdaisychain. Once uploaded they can receive a small container of liquid, roll-on or solid perfume. The first 10 uploaders can even receive a full size bottle each.
These brands have different strategies but they lean very much to "experience". COTY's VR event had allowed user to engage and explore more about the scents they were interested in; Atelier's AR was not only informative but also helpful to a certain extent for users who prefer visuals when making purchases. While Marc Jacobs attempted to promote their event and products through users' social media. It is no longer just hard selling by rambling good words about their brands and products, but rather to let the users explore by themselves.
These are some case studies that were helpful when I was planning my experience and promoting strategy.
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